Many dermal filler products contain an integrated local anesthetic, lidocaine, in the injectable product itself. However, some clients may still choose to have a “dental block” prior to lip filler injection. A dental block refers to injecting an anesthetic agent, to the infraorbital nerve and/or mental nerve. Lidocaine mixed with a small amount of epinephrine is the most common anesthetic agent used for dermal fillers because of its relatively fast onset of approximately 3-5 minutes and its duration of approximately 2-3 hours.
If a patient elects to have their lips injected with a filler and choose to have a nerve block, then both the infraorbital nerve and mental nerve will require anesthesia. The mental nerve is responsible for the sensation or feeling to the lower lip and chin. Most patients opt for a dental block when injecting the lip area.
**With any type of injected anesthetic, there are associated risks involved, which may include: bleeding, infection, and/or unintentional injection into an artery or vein.
When considering a dental block prior to a dermal filler one must consider their personal threshold for pain, what are the areas of concern, and the associated risks involved. At Revive we are happy to discuss your anesthetic options and we offer dental blocks for those who are candidates and desire this type of anesthesia prior to dermal filler injection!